Thursday, September 13, 2007

Are you a Tooth Brushing Dribbler?

Well? Do ya......punk!!! This has been a topic of conversation that I have been involved in before. When you brush your teeth, do you have a steady stream of toothpaste and spit flowing from your mouth? Or are you one of the "neat and tidy" brushers?


Jeremiah said...

I keep it neat and tidy, modbannit!

Cleanliness used to be next to Godliness, but the shelf in the bathroom where I keep both was really full, and when I put my can of Awesomeness up there, it knocked the can of Cleanliness to the floor. It rolled a couple feet and now Cleanliness is next to the toilet.

Ray The Man said...

Ah ha ha ha ha. Oh mercy...I am o glad that you can finally be honest about this Jeremy. Reading your post has been very refreshing.

Jeremiah said...

For the heck of it, I'm posting that comment on my blog. Since it's mine, I REFUSE to ask persimmon.

Ray The Man said...

I see. Well then...I guess I will deny you permission just for the heck of it. Mu ha ha ha ha!!!!!


Taylor Family said...

5 Steps to Brushing in an Organized Manner:

1. Leave water running for the duration of the process.
2. Lean head back at a 45% angle.
3. Step back out of the bathroom so as not to spray the walls with speckles.
4. Regulate tongue girth in order to accommodate excess droozle, and avoid spillage.
5. Evacuate all sauce, before attempting to brush the tongue.